
安装OpenCms报错"The Alkacon OpenCms setup wizard has not bean started correctly.."

标签:opencms,内容管理系统,安装错误,异常报错,Error,开源软件问题,cms,OpenCms,教程,门户管理系统,pms     发布时间:2015-12-23   


在安装OpenCms时,点击到第二步直接报错,Error为"The Alkacon OpenCms setup wizard has not  bean started correctly!Please click here  to restart the wizard.",如下图所示

安装OpenCms报错"The Alkacon OpenCms setup wizard has not  bean started correctly.."


1. 如上图第一个箭头指示安装路径(http://xwood/go/jee/..),通过nginx反向代理到tomcat端口,如下图所示

安装OpenCms报错"The Alkacon OpenCms setup wizard has not  bean started correctly.."

2. 改安装路径为tomcat部署访问路径(不使用代理地址访问),如下图(箭头红框框部分)

安装OpenCms报错"The Alkacon OpenCms setup wizard has not  bean started correctly.."

3. 如上图为修改路径后第二步(问题解决,安装路径造成的),完整的安装步骤参见